Archive for 'Robotics'

Building BRAM your first Autonomous Mobile Robot using Microchip PIC Microcontroller – Part 1

May 25, 2009 by , under Robotics.

Have you ever thought that most of our perception about the robot is based on the Hollywood movie! The famous 3CPO and R2D2 from Star Wars until the little cute garbage compacting robot named WALL-E; all of these machines are example of our dreams or should I say our quest to what we all think about the robot should be. Although the robot that we are going to build here is still far away from the technologies shown on those movies but at least it will give you an introductory to the robotics world. (more…)


Basic Servo Motor Controlling with Microchip PIC Microcontroller

February 17, 2009 by , under Robotics.

The servo motor is widely used in model hobbyist such as airplane R/C model for moving the rudder, ailerons, elevators and acceleration control or in the car R/C model for steering and acceleration control. In this tutorial we will learn how to control the servo motor as well as the simple close loop control algorithm for this servo motor. (more…)